Saturday, May 8, 2010

Holy Smokes.... It's already Mother's Day???

We simply don't know where time has gone since January...almost like someone ripped the months from the calendar and suddenly it's May and the eve of Mother's Day ....a time to remember and commemorate the great mothers who gave us life and nurtured us through childhood.

So here they are.... In pink is my mother-in-law, Helene Marie Trappen Sarine, Dick's lovely mom, and then mine...Frances Louise Staats Fenton (at the top in blue), ....both pictured at our wedding back in February of 1970.
My mother was raised in upstate New York. In addition to attending to the needs of us kids she loved studying and learning about life. She believed and instilled in us the power of positive thinking, a philosophy of life that was nearly unheard of in the 1950's. Marion, as she was called, was often found tending to her beautiful flower gardens or helping friends in the community.
Dick's mom was born in Michigan and at some point moved, married and lived in suburban Madison, New Jersey. I hardly ever remember seeing her dressed in anything other than a dress complete with an apron. She was a kind, generous; devoted to her family. I always say that if you want to know what Helene was like you have to look no further than at one of her children for she raised each and every one of them is a mirror image of her personalty.... patient, pleasant, personable and giving.
These two fine ladies lived lives that were worlds apart and yet they shared the fabulous badges of honor of being fine, fine mothers. They have been phsically gone from us for many years but we feel them with us still. Happy Mother's Day to our Moms!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your comments about both Moms were perfect. I do miss them.