Friday, July 22, 2011

Blogs, Websites, Email, Voicemail, iPads, iPods, Droids, Facebook and Other Modern Age Time-Eaters!

So …whenever family gatherings or vacations roll around I get to feeling guilty because I realize that I should be updating the blog with pictures and newsy notes about what’s happening in the Sarine/Dunlap family. It seems that I/we always have a camera card full of pictures that come from a relatively new Nikon camera that can amazingly take about 400 pictures a minute. That probably is an exaggeration but it does have the capability of snapping a picture every few seconds. A good feature I guess but it means that we have a gazillion pictures to examine, tweak, keep or delete when we get home.

And that takes time. Something that seems to elude us the older that we get! Granted we’re still juggling many balls…a business, a home that seemed to become larger when Dick fired our “cannot-clean-without-breaking-anything” cleaning lady; trips to see our growing cache of grandchildren;, etc….but all the new technological devices and communication avenues that we now have available to enable all of us to “stay in touch” are now things that have to be updated. My email inbox this morning has something 300+ new messages. Thinking about reading and answering them will take the better part of my day today. Ugh…Sometimes it’s easier to stay home than it is to go away on vacation! And posts on Sherckle to document that vacation are something…for me anyways…that can take 2-3 hours to accomplish.

When comparing myself to others from yesteryear I was beginning to think that I wasn’t very good at multi-tasking…. until it occurred to me that my mother did not have…much less know about….a blog, a website, an email inbox, a voicemail, an iPad or an iPod. She would probably think that a Droid was a supernatural being from a science fiction movie, and that something called “Facebook” would be a compound word that needed to be hyphenated and perhaps was a publication about faces. I’m sure that if she was alive today or suddenly came back that she would be totally perplexed about the new technology, and I’m certain that she too would find that all of our new modern age advantages would eat up virtually all of her 24-hour days!

I have decided to stop beating myself up about my lack of posts on our Sherckle blog but I do deem the thing to have value as it helps me to chronicle our busy lives. We’re fortunate because we have many joys in our family, and many blessings. And I think that it’s always good to share more positive things in this world, even if there are long spans between posts. So while I may not get to answer an email, or keep an updated status on Facebook, I’ll post…. when I can…. the little happenings in the Sarine & Dunlap families. That, I’m sure, my mother would like!

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